Friday, November 29, 2013

@SmackMellon with LoVid

Last week, I visited the "Roots No Shoots" exhibition at SmackMellon in Dumbo. Lovid's installation:
"...utilizes various types of monitors from different technological eras to play recordings they created in true DIY fashion--with LoVid's handmade synthesizer instruments in combination with unique tools from Experimental Television Center." 

LoVid, as a duo, have been performing and creating art for over ten years. Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus have performed and shown their works for a variety of venues. Their art work is, in every sense of the word, multimedia. LoVid makes use of LoTech, non-tech, and the lastest technologies. Generally, their artistic process is to build up from the concept. However, artists will be artists, and ideas beget ideas. For example, they have used video output generated by the Sync Armonica as textile patterns for other projects involving fabrics. Perhaps for pillows embedded with circuits or sensors. One could say, this type of production efficiency is a technique that is genuinely representative of the DIY spirit; it is not only the outcome, but the preceding decisions that are considered. It is an inclusive approach towards making art in which nothing is arbitrary.