Saturday, November 27, 2010
Turntable Music Night 8@STEIM
A lovely cold and wet evening, what else to do but cycle to see a little turntable action at STEIM. Not only does Yann Leguay have a really nice website where you can download some free tracks, but he builds and appropriates his own sound-making devices. One turntable was comprised of a reel-to-reel recorder, in which the reels were replaced with discs. By popping it into FFWD, the needle bounces out the beats. The flexibility comes from the free-standing arm and stylus he constructs. Therefore, he is able to put the needle in places such as, on the heads of tape recorders, Record(?)-to-Reel, and a hacked hard-disk drive. The sounds were as interesting as is the theater of his performance. read more from STEIM...