The basis of the content was sound (which, as I have already stated before, is the medium for highest art form known to man.) but space, architecture, light (video&film), interactivity, autonomous systems, umm...topped with some cosmology and buttered with philos of antiquity, were discussed as well.
The quality of programming, as well as, the presentations and performances, were well organized and executed. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the entire event, so I should not make broad-sweeping generalizations. However, I did see two days worth of presentations, and I was able to exchange some ideas and gather a bit of information from individuals outside of the event. It was reassuring to approach some of these personalities (as these hybrid science-art types can be quite eccentric,) to find that they were unpretentious. Not all, but many. As far as the content of the work and ideas; I have a short list of individuals who stand out. with links for reference. Philip Beesley, Roger Malina, Paul Prudence, Jacob Kirkegaard, Steven Connor, Hans Koch (on the worst day, this man can bring a smile to my face.) and, Marcos Novak.
I was also really pleased to see (quite a few) references to the work of my friend and former teacher, David Dunn, from my days in Santa Fe.