Thursday, December 11, 2008


After a busy week or so in Spoleta at the Fucinaoff '08 two projects that I had worked were presented on 12/8. One was a collaboration with Francesca Bardaro and Cassandra Hernandez in which I implemented the audio interaction.

I also prepared a sound installation in the stairwell at the museum, entitled "Passing the Harvest". I was pleased with the characteristics of the space and how the sound behaved. For instance, the geometry in the stairwell created many nodes or instances of direct acoustic projection. Also, the amplification did not need to be very loud. Kasper made a quick 4min. recording. There was no strong visual component, so I have included a small slide-show of some images from Spoleto. The audio is simply loops from my mandolin recorded periodically throughout the evening. So, if someone entered the stairwell, it is possible they would find me playing mandolin. However, if they did pass throgh the stairwell at a later time, it is possible they would not see me, but they would hear the remnants of what I was playing. This idea of live and recorded events and the expectation or illusion that I was either present or not present in the space, was my interpretation of the theme of 'Harvest' that was incorporated into the evening's work. Also, I wanted to introduce my sixth element, "impermanance" which was developed in the workshop given by Andrea Paciotto. In his workshop, Andrea included the ideas presented in Calvino's Six Memos for the Next Millenium.

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