Monday, November 10, 2008


This video installation is (in-part) an exercise in futility. The other part is a re-contextualization of mundane behavior performed in a sacred space. The content consists of many women realizing mundanity. But, the setting is staged for only three women (hence, three video channels) simultaneously. There is no audio component. The dynamics of content and texture are produced sensory activity generated by pedestrians (voyeurs).

he light that outlines the woman's figure are a slight, if not completely obscured indication of her physical attributes. It is possible that the observant eye may decipher subtle detail. Although, her geographic origins, her ethnicity, her age approximated, her emotional state (even her gender) may be assumed. Is she the every, any or neither woman?

It is likely one may have a vague (if not certain) familiarity with the image presented. Perhaps she is reminiscent of a sister, a mother, a friend, or a lover. Maybe her contours and actions correlate to an image from the past, present or (possible) future. However, no sooner than one is presented with such an image - or a memory - than is one given yet another image and another opportunity to reminisce. So, the process begins anew.

However, one may never even reach such a condition. One may simply be confronted with the question, "What is the meaning of red?" This, I will not even to pretend to answer. However, given the context in which the women have been placed, one may realize a particular set of questions about the color, such as, "Does red signify intimacy? Urgency? Propriety? Is this the color of sin? The blood of a holy crime?" One may even become a little self-conscious, "Does the color make me feel uncomfortable? or can I study the detail with impunity without the guilt of conscience?"

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